

Classification is crucial to the integrity and fairness of Para-sport competition. It determines which athletes are eligible to participate and the structure for how they are categorized for events. The aim of classification is to group together athletes with similar impairments. It is like grouping athletes by age, gender, or weight.


The IWBF released a new set of Classification Rules for Wheelchair Basketball which came into effect on 1 October 2021. Basketball Australia have adopted these new processes as part of their National Classification Program.

Under the new rules: a player must meet BOTH the following criteria to be eligible for the Wheelchair Basketball pathway.

Part 1: Assessment of an players medical information by trained classifiers. The medical documentation must show evidence of an underlying health condition that leads to one of the 6 Eligible Impairments for the sport of Wheelchair Basketball. These are: Impaired Muscle Power, Impaired Passive Range of Movement, Limb Deficiency, Leg Length

Difference, Hypertonia, Ataxia or Athetosis. These Eligible Impairments are defined by the IPC Athlete Classification Code and are selected by the IWBF. They are outlined in the IWBF Classification Rules.

Part 2: Assessment of Minimum Impairment Criteria (MIC) for their Eligible Impairment.


Players who meet the above will progress to observation in training and in competition (where relevant) and will be assigned a sport class and sport class status by classifiers.

The Sport Classes for Wheelchair Basketball are 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, and 4.5. A 1.0 player has the most impairment and a 4.5 player has the least impairment Players who do not have an Eligible Impairment or meet Minimum Impairment Criteria, are allocated a Sport Class of Not Eligible (NE).

In a game of basketball, a team can only have a maximum of 14 points across the 5 players on the court at any one time.

Click here to find out more about Sport Classes for Wheelchair Basketball


Players are provided a sport class status at the conclusion of the Player Evaluation process:

Review (R) – The classification panel believes that further Evaluation Sessions will be required based on a number of factors, including but not limited to

  • the player has a fluctuating and/or progressive Impairment
  • the impairment/s is/are permanent but not stable
  • the player has not yet reached full muscular skeletal or sports maturity

Review with a Fixed Review Date (FRD) – The Classification Panel believes that further Player Evaluation will be required but will not be necessary before a set date, being the Fixed Review Date. A player will be required to attend an evaluation session at the first opportunity from January 1st of the Review year. A player may not attend an evaluation prior to this date unless a classifier panel have granted the opportunity to do so because of a Classification Protest of Medical Review request.

Confirmed – The Classification Panel is satisfied that both the Player’s Eligible Impairment and the Player’s ability to execute the specific tasks and activities fundamental to wheelchair basketball are and will remain stable and the athlete will not be required to undergo the Player Evaluation process again. The exceptions to this are if there are future classification rule changes, if a Medical Review request is granted by a classifier panel, or if the athlete has a National Level Classification and progresses to an International Level.


There are three different levels of Classification. The level that you require will be determined by where you are on the Wheelchair Basketball Pathway.

  1. Provisional Classification – is a paperwork process that allows athletes to gain an indication of their class when they are just starting out in a sport, or don’t have access to a face-to-face classification panel. Trained Classifiers provide Provisional Classification outcomes. Please complete this form to start your classification process
    Request for Classification
  2. National Classification – is a face-to-face evaluation provided by trained classifiers. National Classification opportunities are managed by BA and are usually provided at National Wheelchair Basketball events. National level classification outcomes supersede Provisional Classification outcomes.
  3. International Classification – is managed by the BA High Performance program. Players must be a member of a BA National Squad and be nominated by BA to attend an international level classification opportunity. International level classification outcomes supersede National and Provisional Classification outcomes.

Paralympics Australia in partnership with Sport Integrity Australia have launched a Classification Fundamentals Course. Classification is an essential part of Para-sport and the better it is understood, the more athletes, coaches, officials and others at all levels will be aware of rules and processes around classification and what their obligations and opportunities are. They have developed a six-module online course which takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete and provides clear and concise information about key topics. Module topics include who can compete in Para-sport, how classification works along the competition pathway and fairness and safety in classification. A second more advanced course is in production and likely to be launched in late 2022. It will be targeted towards athletes and staff in high performance programs and Australian Paralympic Teams. Click here for more information: Course Catalogue (


Classifiers are sports officials with a medical or sport science background who have completed the required training and certification. They assess athletes to determine their eligibility for Para-sport competition and provide them with a sport class and sport class status at the conclusion of the assessment.

It is essential for a classifier to understand wheelchair basketball or have a strong desire to learn about the sport.

There are two types of classifiers:

  1. Medical – Currently registered medical professional (Doctor or Physiotherapist). Experience working with physical disabilities is desirable.
  2. Technical – Must hold bachelor’s or master’s degree in sport science, kinesiology, human movement science or equivalent including a level of coaching experience.

To express interest in being a classifier, please head to this form Classifier EOI


The formal record of all athlete Sport Class are listed in the Basketball Australia Masterlist below.

Wheelchair Basketball Classification Masterlist #1 (Updated 23rd April 2024)

IWBF has implemented significant changes to classification rules & changes, that came into effect on October 2021, thus, if your name appears as RED or is not included in the master list, it means that you need to go through the new classification process. A transition period until 1st October 2023 is available. If your name is not appearing when it should, or your class is reflected incorrectly. please contact us on the email below.

This list will be updated with latest classification outcomes within two weeks after a classification event, or regularly on the 15th of each month if there are any provisional outcomes to be added.



Are you hosting a wheelchair basketball event/competition? Would you like to include classification opportunities at your event?

If you have answered YES to both questions above, please get in touch with us via email below, and send us all your event details. A minimum 4-month notice is required to host a classification event, and there may be costs associated with hosting an event.



Basketball Australia National Classification Policy



Classification FAQs



If you have any further questions in relation to classification, please contact Krittika on

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